Case Studies

Over the period of the company's activity, a number of analytical studies (research study, feasibility study) and judicial cases were successfully completed, brief information about which can be found in this section. This information and the legal solutions provided by the company can be useful both for clients, persons interested in jurisprudence, and professional circles.
Taking into consideration the company's privacy policy and the need to protect the interests of the clients, only brief information with a more interesting and memorable legal analysis will be presented.

Case N 1 (on the differences between the mandatory payment and civil obligation payment in the context of the right to freedom of economic activity)
In one of the cases conducted by the company, the issues of charging a commission from trust organizations based on a contract and obliging the fulfillment of these contractual obligations were discussed.
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Case N 2 (international cooperation with UNDP in the framework of which the feasibility study on information and communication technology (ICT) has been carried out)
In the framework of the cooperation with UNDP, the feasibility study has been carried out to review the ICT environment of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) of Armenia including current information systems, infrastructure, resources, and capacity.
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Case N 3 (international cooperation with UNDP in the framework of which the assessment on issues of cybersecurity in elections has been carried out)
Another Assessment on issues of cybersecurity in elections has been carried out by an international ICT and Cybersecurity Assessment Team.
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Case N 4 (on the consolidation of shares by the joint-stock company)
In another case, a consolidation of shares was carried out in one of the large companies in Armenia, as a result of which the shares belonging to our client were repurchased by the company.
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Case N 5 (related to the preemptive rights to purchase of the shareholders of the joint-stock companies)
In another case, the situation is as follows: a shareholder of one of the closed joint-stock companies in Armenia decided to sell his shares, about which the shareholder did properly notify the company and other shareholders.
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Case N 6 (related to the disciplinary penalties applied to employees)
the case in a reasonable time and properly, and the disciplinary rules of labor were violated by the employee. 
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